Saturday, 10 October 2009


My name is Donna, and welcome to my PMDD blog. 8 weeks ago at the age of 29 I chose to have a complete hysterectomy, including removal of ovaries. WHY? PMDD
If you have found your way to this blog you probably are already aware of what PMDD is, but here is the current definition from the National Association for Pre Menstrual syndrome:

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder ( PMDD ) is currently diagnosed when a woman's premenstrual symptoms are so severe that debilitating mood and behavioural changes impair basic daily activities such as work or social relationships, resulting in a form of clinical depression.
To be diagnosed, a woman must suffer from at least four of the following 11 symptoms:_ markedly depressed mood_ marked anxiety or tension_ persistent irritability or anger_ difficulty in concentrating_ decreased interest in usual activities_ noticeable lack of energy_ marked change in appetite_ insomnia or hypersomnia_ sense of being overwhelmed or out of control_ sudden sadness or depression_ physical symptoms such as joint pains, headaches, breast tenderness or "bloating."The symptoms must occur a week before a menstrual cycle begins and disappear a few days after the menstrual cycle starts. The symptoms must recur in at least two consecutive menstrual cycles and must also "markedly interfere" with work, basic functioning or social relationships.The defining of PMDD is an important breakthrough because it enables women to cateforise their symptoms in terms of a specific set of clinical criteria for the first time. This will enable clinical treatment protocols to be developed and should lead to women with PMS receiving more focused diagnosis and treatment. NAPS will be campaigning to get GPs to encourage women to keep a menstrual chart and to work with women to develop the most appropriate treatment tailored to individual needs

To put it simply IT SUCKS!!! Over the next few posts I will talk about my experience, and why I took such a huge step to get rid of PMDD. Please keep in touch and add your comments
Donna xxx


  1. Have just joined and look forward to following your blog.I am still suffering the effects of my jab wearing off and my symptoms of pmdd are creeping back in, my stomach is so bloated i had forgotton how bad this can be. Oh well, just another week to wait for my jab but i am starting a new job on tuesday so could really do with out it.

  2. I was nearly in tears reading your story. I felt for the first time that there is someone out there that truly understands. That I am not crazy. My PMDD is getting worse. I have 3 girls and after number 3 (who is 15 months) it's life alturing. My quilting of life is dramatically dropped to nearly nothing. Just the other day I was positive I could not go on. I was screaming that I give up. I was heartbroken because I love my family so much and felt cheated that I wouldn't be able to be their Mama. How could? It kills me to see how much happier my family is when "I come back" from hell, but only present for one week and then it begins again. I go to a phycologist, councilor, OBGYN, regularly. I am on 3 different meds daily, 2 differentd anxiety prescriptions that knock me out and turn me into a Zombie, a few herbal pills to try, diet restrictions, and on top of that the guilt that I don't excercise with my 3 children; 7, 5, 15months.

  3. I know I can't have any more children. It's too hard on me the increase of PMDD symptoms afterwards. It's amazing how severe it can get. I fear that I won't be able to do this for very long. What does that mean? Will I seek temporary comfort from something so unspeakable as the unknown (I will not say it). My husband and I feel so blessed to have 3 BEAUTIFUL little girls. They are healthy, kind, and full of life and love. What more could I ask for? I feel selfish feuding over the possibility of regretting not having one more. I HAVE 3!! I have prayed and conversed long and hard with my husband and we are sure we are done having children. Besides if you knew our little Quinny you would agree she's nearly perfect so let's end on a good note. I WANT a Histarectomy. But don't know much about the success rate after and the cons. Could you share more with me? I know this might be weird and I understand if you are uncomfortable but I would love to talk with you just for a bit. Just a few questions. My number is 208-921-7035. Or a response on your blog if your more comfortable would be great. I will keep checking. Bless you for saving me today. Thank you for having the courage to share something so personal. I hope to help someone else as you have helped me.

  4. I am 51 and since the age of 14 have had a period every month. I have experienced all that you write about. My poor husband and children have suffered all these years. Nobody but another woman experiencing the raging beast PMDD truly understands. Currently my period is 11 days late, should I celebrate? No, it has made it 3 weeks of torture with me wondering if I'm going to survive. I joke and say hopefully someone isn't going to die... As with all the other sufferers, the docs don't get the severity for the patient, or others who are in contact with me. I too have quit many jobs in a rage over something trivial, but PMDD was the cause, now that I look back. So at 51 do I wait it out and pray for menopause, or bite the bullet and have a hysterectomy? I have had several surgeries to remove cysts, and had an ovary removed. Still plagued with this monthly nightmare.

    Was wondering what meds you need to take following removal of ovaries?? I can't take estrogen due to breast cancer risk.

    Thank you for this blog which helps all of us PMDD women realize we are not crazy!

  5. Hi Donna, I know this blog was a long time ago and I hope things are going well for you still. I was wondering if you could email me, I just wanted to talk to you about some stuff to do with PMDD. I think I am going through all the same things and my husband is about to leave me because of my moods. I have tried meds of all sorts and they don't work and Monday I am booked into see a Gyno and I am going to ask for a full hysterectomy. I just wanted some advice on this. My email is

  6. Hello everyone!! I'm Marilyn Here in the States and I'm here to talk about what Dr. James did for me. I have been suffering from (GENITAL HERPES VIRUS) disease for the past 4 years and had constant pain and itching, especially in my private part. During the first year. This disease started circulating all over my body and  I have used Oregano oil, Coconut oil, Acyclovir, Val acyclovir, Acyclovir, and some other products and it really helped during my outbreaks but I totally got cured! From my HSV with a strong and active herbal medicine ordered from  Dr. James herbal mix and it completely fought the virus from my nervous system, and I was tested negative after 15 days of using  Dr. James herbal mix medicine. I'm here to let you all know that the herpes virus has a complete cure, I got rid of mine with the help of Dr. James herbal medicine.  I came across a testimony of Tasha, on the internet testifying about Dr. James, on how he cured Her of 7 years HSV 2. And she also gave the email address of  the great Dr. James  (]..., advising anybody to contact him for help on any kind of diseases that he would be of help with, so I emailed him telling him about me (HSV 2) he told me not to worry that I'm going to be cured!! Well, I never doubted him. I have faith he can cure me too, Dr. James prepared and sent me his herbal mix medicine made of roots and herbs which I took. In the first one week, I started experiencing changes all over me, after 15 days I drank his herbal mix medicine, I was totally cured. No more inching, pain on me anymore as Dr. James assured me. After some time I went to my doctor to do another test. The result came out negative. So friends my advice is if you have such disease or know anyone who suffers from it or any other disease like Alzheimer's Disease, Warts, Moles, Bipolar disorder, Shingles, HPV, HIV/AIDS, ALS, HBP, CANCER, NEPHROTIC SYNDROME HIV / AIDS, herpes cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Pancreatic cancers, bladder cancer, bladder cancer, prostate cancer, Glaucoma., Cataracts, Macular degeneration, Cardiovascular disease, Autism, Lung disease. Enlarged prostate, Osteoporosis. Alzheimer's disease, psoriasis, Tach Diseases, Lupus, Backache, dementia. Kidney cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer, skin cancer and skin cancer. Testicular Cancer, LEUKEMIA, VIRUSES, HEPATITIS, INFERTILITY., etc. you can contact  the great  one  directly on his........@  He is a good man, and He will help you.  
